Neil deGrasse Tyson nails it again…

Neil deGrasse Tyson nails it again…

New Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson destroys climate deniers

The next episode of “Cosmos” will make the anti-science crowd’s heads explode. Here’s a preview.

from Paul Arrowsmith @ Google+

For me G+ has always been ahead of the game. I always saw it has the social layer, the glue to the…

For me G+ has always been ahead of the game. I always saw it has the social layer, the glue to the various Google services.

While facebook was / is clunky, cluttered and difficult to filter. It has a place, but I am not entirely sure what that is now.

Why Facebook is Becoming Like Google+ | MIT Technology Review

Mark Zuckerberg’s plan to “unbundle” Facebook makes his social network more like Google’s.

from Paul Arrowsmith @ Google+